Friday, January 16, 2009


Kings College--Gorgeous!

All the girls huddling together to keep warm!

CHEESE!!! Its freezing!!!!

Roman Bath!

WWII gravesite

We had our first day trip as a group. I was excited to actually learn and see things! We started out going to a city that starts with a V and saw a roman bath. It was pretty neat. It was FREEZING! We were in a cloud pretty much. The fog was so think that we couldn't see 10 yards in front of us. We attended a Roman museum in the same place too. There was a stop off to a Cahtedral that has a stained glass window that I fell inlove with! It is called the ROSE window! We then got back onto the Bus and headed toward the World War II gravesite. The huge wall with all the names of bodies not found and then all of the other graves. It was really cool to see and be there, but oh it was so frigid! I ran in place just to try to get some heat starting. We were then off to Cambridge! It was so great! Kings College is where we were really located and it was Gorgeous! I went to a museum there and saw a Van Gough painting that I've never seen before, Pissario, Monet, and Dali. We shopped around at all the little shops there and a nearby market. It was fun. As a group we went to Kings College Chapel for the young men's Evensong. They were great but it felt like another hour of church... still cool though! It was a great and tiring day!

Dr. Crisler and Me outside the Cathedral

The ROSE window that I fell in love with and want in my house one day...
Erin, Mishon, Me, Kate, Janna

Me outside Kings College... SO SO SO PRETTY!!!!

Photo Shoot in the gift shop!
Chelsea, Molly, Alyssa, Kate, Me, Erin